Veterinary Center for Birds and Exotics Blog

Exotic Pets in the Classroom: What’s Best for Kids?

Pets and kids — for many of us they go hand in hand. I can’t imagine growing up without a pet. Pets teach children so many important lessons: how to responsibly care for another living thing, how to love unconditionally, and how to deal with life and death. I am always saddened when I hear a…

Winter Safety Tips for Pet Birds, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs and Other Exotics

When cold weather comes, especially in areas that experience significant climate changes with the seasons, there are some steps exotic pet owners should take to help ensure their animals stay happy and healthy. What you should do, of course, depends on what type of pet you have. Let’s take a look at how to safely “winterize”…

Veterinary Events in 2015

It’s no secret that the team at the Veterinary Center for Birds & Exotics enjoys attending veterinary events, both to gain continuing education and to share knowledge with other veterinarians in the field. We are excited to announce that we will be involved in a number of incredible veterinary events this coming year. Dr. Laurie…

Top 10 Bird Dangers Lurking in Your Home

Do you own a bird? If you do, you may not be aware that there could be hazards lurking in your home that could harm your favorite avian friend. Consider these top 10 household dangers for pet birds: 1. Fumes Birds’ respiratory tracts are much more sensitive than mammals’ to airborne toxins. Teflon or any…

Why Does My Bird Walk on the Floor?

Q. My bird’s wings are not clipped, but she’d rather be on the floor with the dog and cat than up on a table, or window rod, or anyplace high. Why does she do this? A. It’s really hard to say definitively why your bird prefers to be on the floor. She may just be…

Why Does My Bird Push Her Tail Side Against Me and Cluck and Flap?

Q: My bird will lean her tail feathers against me and flap her wings. While she’s doing this, she makes clucking noises. What’s going on? A: What you’re describing sounds like bird reproductive behavior. Reproductively active birds (both males and females) will demonstrate their desire to breed by performing a variety of activities (including clucking and…

Why Unusual Pets Need Exotic Animal Vets

“Calm down,” I told the distraught client pacing back and forth in the exam room, gesturing frantically at a large cat sitting quietly in his carrier. Finally, he managed to convey to me, in broken English, that the cat wasn’t the problem. He unzipped a small bag to reveal a tiny, unconscious monkey who had nothing…

It’s Not Always a ‘Peaceable Kingdom’ With Exotic Pets

We all love to make new friends, and it’s great to have companionship. But hanging out with others isn’t necessarily the best thing if you’re an exotic pet. Too many well-intentioned exotic pet owners worry that their birds and exotic animals are lonely, so they allow different species to interact with each other and even…

Have an Exotic Pet? Watch That Thermostat

When it comes to exotic pets — feathered, furry or scaly — the temperature of the world they live in can be critical. Many exotic pets have specific needs when it comes to the temperature in which they are housed, so before you rush out and get one of those pets (or even if you…

Why Does My Bird Refuse to Step Onto My Hand?

There are a couple of reasons why your bird may decline to step onto your hand. Generally, when a bird ignores or even bites an offered hand, she is indicating that she doesn’t want to stop whatever she is doing at that time to do what you are asking. For example, if your bird is…