Veterinary Center for Birds and Exotics Blog

The Intelligent African Gray Parrot

Known for their incredible ability to learn human language and speak words, often in correct context, African gray parrots are perhaps the most intelligent species of bird commonly kept as a pet. They have unique personalities and can be very entertaining as they speak sentences and even sing complete songs. As such intelligent, highly social…

What to Expect from a Ferret Veterinary Examination

Many owners of small animals, including ferrets, are surprised to learn that all pets need an initial veterinary check-up and an annual examination after that. Some veterinarians who treat non-traditional small pets, such as ferrets, actually recommend check-ups at least twice a year facilitate early detection and treatment of potentially life-threatening diseases. Regular veterinary care…

The Impact of Nutrition on Ferret Health

While some ferrets in the U.S. are sold from private breeders, the majority of ferrets kept as pets in the U.S. are sold at large pet stores and come from just a couple of commercial breeders. As a result, they are quite inbred. Consequently, many pet ferrets are from the same genetic pool and tend…

The Fun of a Cockatiel

Cockatiels are very social, interactive birds that make great first pets for families with elementary school-aged children and older. They have big personalities trapped in little bird bodies. They can learn to talk and to do tricks and love to hang out with their human family members. They don’t take up much space and are…

Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHD)

What is it? If you own a pet rabbit, you have likely heard about a new virus that is killing both pet and wild rabbits around the world by causing uncontrollable bleeding. RHD, also called viral hemorrhagic disease, is a virus that is endemic to Australia, New Zealand, Cuba, Europe, and parts of Asia and…

Popular Pet Birds

Parakeet: The parakeet, also known as a budgerigar or budgie, is a small parrot that originally comes from Australia. Highly social birds, budgies can be found in the wild in flocks of thousands! As such, they often do best when they are housed with one or more other budgies to form a small flock. Due…

How to Safely House Your Ferret

Ferrets are definitely mischievous, and if left alone, they tend to get into everything. Therefore, it’s critical that ferrets be kept caged when they are unsupervised. Since they are truly talented escape artists, ferrets should be housed in cages that can be securely closed and/or locked. Cages should be as large as possible – minimally…

How to Groom Your Ferret

While ferrets tend to be very clean animals, grooming themselves regularly like cats do, pet ferrets do need some additional grooming by their owners. Unlike wild ferrets that get the opportunity to wear down their nails by running and climbing outside, pet ferrets generally live indoors, where their nails typically become overgrown unless they are…

How to Feed Your Pet Ferret

Ferrets are carnivores (meat eaters) that in the wild typically eat rodents, birds, and rabbits. Pet ferrets should be fed commercially made, high-protein, moderate-fat, low-carbohydrate pelleted diets formulated specifically for ferrets. Feeding pet ferrets raw diets, such as frozen thawed rodents, isn’t recommended, as their gastrointestinal tracts haven’t been adapted like those of their wild…

First Aid for Your Bird

We’ve all been there – you’re clipping your bird’s nails, you cut one nail just a little too short, and blood gushes everywhere. Or maybe your bird was out flying around your house and flew right into a mirror, chipping the tip of its beak which is now dripping blood. You start to panic while…