Veterinary Center for Birds and Exotics Blog

Ferrets Need Regular Dental Care

Did you know that ferrets can get dental disease just like cats, dogs, or you? Unlike people, who can communicate that their teeth hurt and make a dentist appointment, our ferret friends are unable to tell us when they are uncomfortable. In fact, unfortunately, sometimes we only find out that ferrets have dental disease when…

Why Special Species Of Exotic Pets Require Specialized Veterinary Care

In human medicine, special medical problems typically require specialized medical care. For example, if you have a broken bone, you see an orthopedist who specializes in the care of broken bones. If you have an eye problem, you seek the care of an ophthalmologist who specializes in the care of eyes. If you have a…

Getting An Exotic Pet

By Laurie Hess, DVM, Diplomate ABVP (Avian Practice) Birds can make great pets in the right situations. However, unlike pet cats and dogs who often enjoy the company of other animals, not all birds welcome other birds into their environments once they have been established there for a while. Some species of birds do well…

Holiday Hazards In Exotic Pets

By Laurie Hess, DVM, Diplomate ABVP (Avian Practice) Like human infants, rabbits are very oral creatures; they like to put everything in their mouths to check things out. Unfortunately, also like babies, they put inappropriate, and sometimes dangerous, things in their mouths that can potentially injure or even kill them. That is why rabbit owners…

Common Health Hazards and Toxins for Small Mammals

When people hear about commonly kept small mammal pets such as rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, hedgehogs, ferrets, rats, hamsters and gerbils, they don’t usually think of them being at high risk for getting into trouble in the home. However, if you own one of these pets, there are certain home hazards you should be aware…

Think You Know Ferrets? Take Our Quiz

Some people have preconceived ideas about ferrets, many of which simply are not true — or at least not the whole truth. If you have ever thought about sharing your space with a ferret, take this quiz to learn some interesting facts about this furry fellow. Take Our Ferret Quiz 1. True or false: Ferrets…

Most Common Obese Exotic Pets: No. 5 Turtles

Which species of exotic pets tend to pack on the pounds? This week, we’re looking at the top five species I treat for obesity. So far we’ve covered parrots, hedgehogs, rabbits and rats. What’s No. 5 on my list of obesity-prone pets? Turtles! When turtles want to hide, they pull their heads and limbs into…

Most Common Obese Exotic Pets: No. 3 Rabbits

Which species of exotic pets tend to pack on the pounds? This week, we’re looking at the top five species I treat for obesity. No. 3 on my list of obesity-prone pets are bunnies! Dangle a carrot in front of a rabbit, and that bunny should hop. But if he is overweight, as are many…

Most Common Obese Exotic Pets: No. 4 Rats

Which species of exotic pets tend to pack on the pounds? This week, we’re looking at the top five species I treat for obesity. No. 4 on my list of obesity-prone pets are rats! Rats are known for their ability to squeeze through small spaces and get into everything. It’s amazing the narrow cracks and crevices…

Most Common Obese Exotic Pets: No. 2 Hedgehogs

Species of all kinds suffer from being fat, and as an exotic animal veterinarian, I constantly tell my patients’ owners to increase their pets’ exercise and limit their junk food consumption. This week, we’re taking a look at the top five species I treat for obesity in an effort to get everyone off to a…