Veterinary Center for Birds and Exotics Blog

Why Guinea Pigs Are The Best Pets!

Thinking of getting a pet but don’t want the responsibility of a cat or a dog? How about a guinea pig? March is Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig month, so what better time to get a new pet and also help save a life? Guinea pigs, or “cavies,” are short-tailed, rough-haired South American rodents (family…

A Pig as a Pet? You bet!

Gone are the days when the word “pig” would conjure up a vision of a huge sloppy sow on a farm, rolling in mud. Today, pigs are commonly kept as pets in people’s homes, even in urban areas. Pet pigs and farm pigs are the same species, so, theoretically, they can mate. However, their breeds…

Hedgehogs as Pets: What You Need to Know

A recent story on Good Morning America looked at the rise in popularity of hedgehogs as pets; the story included a video of a cat playing with — and sitting on — an African Pygmy hedgehog. While I can verify the hedgehog-as-pet trend in my own practice, I have to wonder: Is this a good thing? The…

10 Tips for Stress-Free Exams for Birds and Exotic Pets

Annual checkups are as important for birds and exotic pets as they are for dogs and cats. Many bird and exotic pet owners know this, but are reluctant to bring their animals to the vet because they think the experience will be too stressful. However, any stress your pet may experience is generally outweighed by…

People and Exotic Pets: Medical Problems We Share

Age is not a disease. Veterinarians commonly say this in response to pet owners’ comments that animals are sick just because they’re old. While certainly age isn’t a disease, it’s clear that with aging comes disease. This is true for both people and pets — and for certain exotic pets, such as large parrots and…

Why birds and exotic pets need to see the veterinarian

“He’s never been sick before, so I’ve never had to bring him to a vet.” This is the answer I commonly hear from bird and exotic pet owners when I ask them whether their animals have ever been treated by a veterinarian. Actually, all exotic pets, regardless of species, should have regular veterinary checkups. Why…

How do I get my bird to talk?

A bird can generally learn to speak by repeating what it hears, but it can be hard to get some birds to talk. While certain birds (African gray parrots, Amazon parrots, mynah birds) are known for their abilities to learn human language, others will never learn to speak. However, many species can be taught to…

Hamsters, Guinea Pigs and Other Pets Can Help Autistic Children

Numerous studies have shown that pets can have a huge impact on human health. People interacting with pets have less stress, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and increased levels of exercise. The benefits pets can have on people have been demonstrated in numerous social settings including hospitals, nursing homes, prisons and psychiatric facilities. Recent studies…

Holiday travel is here: boarding birds and exotic pets when you’re away

It’s holiday time, and you have planned an exotic, or perhaps not so exotic, getaway for you and your family. Tickets are booked, hotel plans are made, then you are stuck with the question – what do I do with my beloved exotic pet? Some owners bring in a pet sitter who will come once…

Omega-3 fatty acids: for everyone feathered, furred, or scaly

Do you take an omega fatty acid supplement in your diet? Omega-3 fatty acids – alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexanoic acid (DHA) – are the buzz words among human nutritionists these days, as these fatty acids have anti-inflammatory/anti-oxidant actions that can protect the body against tissue damage. ALA is derived from plants…