Veterinary Center for Birds and Exotics Blog

Did You Know That Turtles Shed?

People are sometimes surprised by this question but, like other reptiles, turtles DO shed! While snakes regularly shed their entire skin in one piece, and lizards shed in large pieces, the shedding process looks a lot different in turtles given their unique anatomy. Turtle skin consists of small scales, which they do shed in small…

Do Ferrets Need Vaccines?

Few of the exotic pet species that we see at The Veterinary Center require vaccinations, but ferrets are one of them. Ferrets are susceptible to rabies and canine distemper virus—two diseases that can be fatal if contracted, but which can be easily prevented with vaccines. Rabies is mainly transmitted through contact with saliva from infected…

Lead Toxicity in Exotic Pets

Have You Heard About Lead Toxicity? Exposure to lead and other heavy metals can affect multiple body systems in humans and non-human animals. Signs of exposure can include lack of coordination, lethargy, weight loss, regurgitation, and diarrhea. If left untreated, heavy metal toxicity can progress to anemia, and even death. Some construction materials, especially those…

Importance of Hydration in Westchester County, NY

With summer temperatures approaching, water is especially essential to your pet’s health. Hydration is needed to regulate internal body temperatures, waste filtration, and processing nutrients through your pet’s body. Regardless if your pet is furry, feathered, or scaly, water must always be offered in your pet’s enclosure. Certain pets can hydrate themselves differently based on…

Why Calcium is Important for Your Reptile in Westchester, NY

Providing a complete and balanced diet is essential when you are keeping any pet. When it comes to reptiles, a complete and balanced diet is crucial to their health, as they can decline quickly when proper nutrients aren’t offered daily. Not doing so can result in irreversible health consequences. Calcium is the most important nutrient…

The Importance of Microchipping Your Pet in Westchester County, NY

Do you travel with your bird or other exotic pet? Do you take him or her outside? If so, the Veterinary Center would recommend microchipping your pet. At the Veterinary, we offer microchipping for most exotic pets. A microchip is a tiny computer chip with an identification number programmed into it, and the chip is…

Rabbit Dos and Dont’s in Westchester County, NY

Whether you’re a new rabbit owner or an experienced one, all rabbit owners should know what your rabbit needs to life a healthy and happy life. In general, rabbits need a healthy diet and spacious enclosure in order to be happy and healthy. When caring for your rabbit, rabbit owners should always make sure their…

Why You Should Get an Exotic Pet

  Birds and other exotic pets are becoming increasingly popular in the United States. While most households have a cat or dog, more people are opting for exotic species. Exotics can be great for different lifestyles, and some species make wonderful pets for children. Here are a few simple reasons for choosing an exotic pet:…

National Bird Day

National Bird Day Happy National Bird Day! At the Veterinary Center for Birds & Exotics, we are fortunate to be able to care for your beloved feathered friends. From parrots to chickens, waterfowl, and backyard birds, we are honored that you have chosen us to care for your companions. With the warmer weather peeking around…

Pet First Aid Awareness in Westchester County, NY

Pet First Aid Awareness in Westchester County, NY               Do you have a first aid kit at home for your pet? If not, how prepared are you and your pet for an emergency? Although we always recommend contacting  your veterinarian if you think your pet is having an emergency, it’s important to know what steps…