The top ten reasons it’s great to be an exotic pet
Exotic pets are great, no matter how you slice it. But here are a few very specific reasons you might not have thought of as to why being an exotic pet is really great:
1. You can poop/pee/vomit on the floor, and everyone still thinks you’re cute.
2. If you refuse to eat your regular meal, everyone freaks out and offers you a dozen different treats to try to get you to eat.
3. You can sleep 18 hours a day, and no one minds.
4. No matter what the time of year, the climate in the house is set to whatever is comfortable for you, regardless of what everyone else needs.
5. Whenever you do something silly or clumsy, even if it’s unintentional, everyone “oohs and aahs” at you.
6. Every time your owners have to leave you for a prolonged period, they feel guilty and shower you with treats when they return.
7. Because you are, by definition, an “exotic” pet, you are, without a doubt, more interesting than any dog or cat.
8. Your owners are constantly taking embarrassing photos of you that their friends think are just adorable.
9. Your owners are so concerned that you’ll be bored in your cage that they get you all the latest and greatest exotic pet paraphernalia – new bedding, bowls, hideaways, toys, etc.; it’s like your birthday all year round.
10. Your owners are so concerned that you’re spending too much time alone in your cage that once they get home, you come out, run around, wreak havoc, and they still love you!
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If you have been looking for specialized care for your bird or exotic pet, look no further! We have you covered. At our unique animal hospital, we provide care to birds and exotics ONLY—no cats and dogs! We are the only bird and exotic veterinary hospital with a full-time, board certified bird specialist, Dr. Laurie Hess. Dr. Hess, who, with her two associates, Dr. Amanda Marino and Dr. Amanda Dewey, are the only full-time veterinarians in Westchester County who are residency-trained in bird and exotic medicine and surgery. Call to schedule an appointment for your pet!