Veterinary Center for Birds and Exotics Blog

Parrots, Problems, and the Power of the Positive

It happens every year. Birds scream. People scream back. As the days get longer and temperatures start to climb, the screaming gets worse. Some pet parrots scream all year long, but many scream louder when their hormonal clocks get wound up in spring as they are looking to mate. The fact is that birds in…

Tips for Keeping Your Exotic Pet Safe from Household Toxins

All of us with exotic pets strive to give our pets a safe and comfortable home. But, as we animal lovers know, our pets tend to get into anything and everything, given the opportunity. Here are some important safety tips to help keep our pets out of trouble: 1. Candles – We all love to…

Peanut – Ferret Extraordinaire by Angela Cerone, Receptionist

    Hi. My name is Peanut.  I am a 5 year old ferret and my mom is the best! I was rescued by my mom’s friend, but her friend got sick and couldn’t take care of me or my sister, Pooka  It’s a good thing he knows my mom loves ferrets, even if we…

Diary of a blue and gold macaw – notes on Hurricane Sandy, by Sarah Inglis, LVT

About two and a half weeks ago, our human mom started acting very concerned. She spoke of a big ” hurricane” coming. I wasn’t concerned initially, because I had no idea what a hurricane was. But, as we watched pictures of this hurricane on the news, I and the other 3 birds in my flock…

Tips for keeping your exotic pet safe during a power outage

Power outages are never fun, but here are a few tips to help keep your bird or other exotic pet safe: 1. Provide heat! Many birds and reptiles, in particular, need to be kept fairly warm to stay healthy. Most birds (especially the larger parrots) can tolerate temperatures as low as the 50s, but once…

Gastrointestinal stasis – what you need to know. By Laurie Hess, DVM, Dipl ABVP (Avian) and Pauline Scherer, LVT

What is perhaps one of the most important medical conditions you should know about if you own a rabbit or a guinea pig? It is gastrointestinal (GI) stasis! What is GI stasis? GI stasis is a potentially deadly condition that occurs when a rabbit (or less often, a guinea pig) stops eating, and the normal…

Do exotic pets undergo aging changes?

Of course they do! Just like people, dogs, and cats, exotic pets’ bodies undergo a series of changes as they get older; exotic pets of all species – birds, ferrets, rabbits, rodents, reptiles, sugar gliders, hedgehogs, pot-bellied pigs, and others – all experience aging changes. These changes may be true medical issues, or they may…

Does my ferret really need a dental cleaning?

Did you know that ferrets can get dental disease just like your cat, your dog, or you? We humans don’t always go to see our dentist twice a year, as we should, but when we get a cavity, we get there. Why? Because it is very uncomfortable; it hurts to chew, and sometimes, it even…

The top ten reasons it’s great to be an exotic pet

Exotic pets are great, no matter how you slice it. But here are a few very specific reasons you might not have thought of as to why being an exotic pet is really great: 1. You can poop/pee/vomit on the floor, and everyone still thinks you’re cute. 2. If you refuse to eat your regular…

I’m an exotic animal hospital receptionist: What stuff do I see? by Angela Cerone

Well, as a career veterinary hospital receptionist, I thought I had seen everything. I have spent years working behind the front desk at dog and cat hospitals and was sure I had heard it all…until I arrived at the Veterinary Center for Birds & Exotics. As a receptionist at an exotic animal hospital, I see…